Introduction: Before Getting Started

Image by Nicole De Khors.
Before Getting Started ...
If you're looking to build a website that sells products then there isn't a better solution than using Shopify. I full-heartedly believe that Shopify is the best ecommerce platform around, which is why I exclusively work with their platform and no others. There are many guides out there for how to build a Shopify store, but almost all of them are either outdated, incomplete, or written by folks who primarily don't use Shopify and are just looking for some quick ad revenue. This guide is the real deal: it covers the setup process inclusively from start to finish, and will be updated/edited regularly.
You probably want to know why I would give away all of my tips, advice, recommendations, and secrets for free? The honest answer is that I'm not. For every signup that creates a store from my affiliate link, Shopify pays me a small amount. If you have the time to follow the setup steps I'm sharing then you can avoid having to pay thousands of dollars for someone to setup the store for you. My goal for this guide is to save you both: time & money -- while making some passive income for myself.
If you get stuck on any step and need some help, you can always reach out to me via email (click the widget in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen). I always aim to respond within 24 hours, but if you need immediate help, Shopify does offer 24/7 support via phone call or live chat.
Note: This guide is 30 chapters, and over 11,000+ words. I highly recommend breaking up your setup process into multiple sessions to avoid fatigue and frustration.
With all that said - if you're still reading - let's get started by clicking into Step 1: Signup for a Shopify Account.
Ain't nobody got time for this!
If you don't have the time or patience to build the site/store yourself, you can always hire me to build it for you! You can learn more details, see my past clients, and place an order, directly from my homepage.
Alternatively, if you would rather hire someone else to setup your store, you can find & contact other Official Shopify Setup Experts, here.