Step 13: Setup Navigation Menu

Step 13: Setup Navigation Menu

You will most likely want to wait to setup your navigation menus until you have the majority of your products, collections, and pages already set up. It's definitely possible to add to your navigation menus as you go, but it doesn't really accept 'place-holder' links, so you will want to have a fair amount of the essentials ready to link to in order to start.

To create a navigation menu:

1. Go to your Shopify Admin > Online Store > Navigation.

By default, you will already have two menus started: the main menu, and the footer menu. The main menu is what you see at the very top of your site. The footer menu is the one that's usually included at the very bottom of your site. 

2. Click on the name of the menu that you want to edit, to open up its' settings -- or click the "Add menu" button in the top right-hand corner to start a new menu. 

3. From here, you can add links by clicking the "add menu item" option at the bottom of the menu list. 

4. Put in a name for the link (this is what customers will see in the navigation menu) and then search-for or paste the link you want it to go to. 

5. To create a drop down submenu, simply drag and drop a menu item to be underneath the main item that you want to create a drop-down for. 

Shopify Drop Down Menu Example

Need more help with this step? Check out Shopify's help docs for navigation menus by clicking here.